photo by aroundandabouttreviso

photo by aroundandabouttreviso

L’Abbazia di S.Eustacchio fu fondata a Nervesa della Battaglia nel secolo XI dal Conte Rambaldo III di Collalto e dalla madre Gisla. Nel 1500 divenne un polo culturale di notevole prestigio, tanto che proprio qui Monsignor Giovanni della Scala compose gran parte de “Il Galateo”.

La Grande Guerra ha segnato la vita dell’Abbazia, tanto che durante la Battaglia del Solstizio fu completamente distrutta ed ora rimangono solo delle rovine. Intenzionalmente non fu mai ricostruita a testimonianza dei duri combattimenti svoltisi sul Montello. Le poche rovine rimaste furono restaurate nel 2000 e spesso in estate vi si svolgono concerti che sfruttano lo sfondo suggestivo di queste eleganti rovine.


The Abbazia di S.Eustacchio was founded in Nervesa della Battaglia in the eleventh century by the Earl Rambaldo III of Collalto and his mother Gisla. In 1500 it became a cultural centre of great prestige, so that here Monsignor Giovanni della Scala composed the famous “Il Galateo: the Rules of Polite Behavior.”

The Big War marked the life of the Abbazia, so that during the Battle of the Solstice it was completely destroyed and now only the ruins are left. Intentionally it was never rebuilt to witness the fierce fighting that took place on the Montello hill. The few remaining ruins were restored in early 2000 and often in the summer they host concerts that take advantage of the picturesque background of these elegant ruins.

trail to the abbazia photo by aroundandabouttreviso

trail to the abbazia photo by aroundandabouttreviso

photo by aroundandabouttreviso

photo by aroundandabouttreviso

photo by aroundandabouttreviso

photo by aroundandabouttreviso