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montello photo around and about treviso

montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

Il Montello per me e’ la collina di casa, dove andare a passeggiare o correre lungo lo stradone del bosco, dove fare dei giri in bicicletta o raccogliere a funghi, castagne o erbe selvatiche.

L’altitudine che il Montello raggiunge e’ modesta circa 371m ed e’ caratterizzato da fenomeni carsici quali grotte e doline. Un tempo la sua superficie era interamente coperta da boschi di rovere, tanto che la Serenissima usava il Montello come fonte di legna per l’Arsenale e per costruire le palafitte su cui si basa tutta la citta’ di Venezia. Lo sfruttamento dei veneziano fu sempre molto oculato e gia’ ecosostenibile, in quanto erano molto gelosi del loro Montello, tanto che era tutelato da leggi che prevedevano persino la pena di morte. E’ caratterizzato da 21 strade di presa, secondo l’assetto stabilito da Venezia gia’ dal 1400, per aver uno stretto controllo dell’abbattimento.

Dalla caduta della Serenissima in poi, il Montello subi’ continui disboscamenti ed a causa della vicinanza col Piave, fu ulteriormente danneggiato durante la Grande Guerra. Numerosi sono i luoghi che ricordano la I Guerra Mondiale ed in particolare la Battaglia del Solstizio, quando l’esercito austro-ungarico tento’ l’offensiva valicando il Piave e dopo giorni di duri combattimenti furono fermati dalla controffensiva italiana. Durante la Battaglia del Solstizio perse la vita il magg. Francesco Baracca, di cui troviamo il monumento poco distante all’Ossario dei Caduti di Nervesa della Battaglia, mentre Ernst Hemingway, arruolatosi volontario alla croce Rossa Americana, fu ferito ed in seguito a questa esperienza scrisse “Addio alle Armi”.

Il Montello ora e’ il luogo ideale per una gita fuori porta, tra boschi, prati e stradine sterrate che si susseguono in un saliscendi continuo. Senza troppa fatica potrete ammirare degli scoiattoli che vi attraversano la strada o dei caprioli che saltano tra i rovi. E nonostante l’offerta di agriturismi sia notevole, vi consiglio di visitare la trattoria “Ai Pioppi” dove troverete del cibo semplice, ma l’attrattiva principale sono le giostre costruite direttamente dal proprietario e sono dislocate nel verde parco.


To me the Montello is my home hill, where to go for a walk or run along the main road  called stradon del bosco, where to do a bike tour, or to collect mushrooms, chestnuts and wild herbs.

The Montello hill reaches a modest altitude about 371m and is characterized by karst phenomena such as caves and sinkholes. At one time the surface was entirely covered by forests of oak, so that the Serenissima Republic of Venice used the Montello as a source of wood for the Arsenale as well as to build the piles upon which the whole city of Venice stands. The exploitation of Venice was always very careful and already eco-friendly, as they were very jealous of their Montello, so that it was protected by laws requiring even the death penalty. It has 21 roads called strade di presa in accordance with the structure already established by Venice since 1400, for a strict control of trees cutting.

Since the fall of the Venetian Republic onwards, the Montello suffered of continuous deforestation and because of the proximity to the Piave river, it was further damaged during the First World War. There are actually a nnumber of places that remind the First World War and in particular the Battle of the Solstice, when the Austro-Hungarian army tried the offensive by crossing the Piave and after days of hard fighting were stopped by Italian counteroffensive. During the Battle of the Solstice lost his life the major Francesco Baracca, of which we find the memorial not far Ossario dei Caduti in Nervesa della Battaglia, while Ernst Hemingway enrolled himself as a volunteer at the American Red Cross, was wounded as a result of this experience he wrote “A Farewell to Arms”.

The Montello is now the perfect place for an outdoor trip, surrounded by woods, fields and dirt roads that follow each other in a continuous ups and downs. Without much effort you can admire the squirrels crossing the road or deers jumping through the brambles. And despite the offer of farms where to have a meal is remarkable, I recommend you visit the restaurant “Ai Pioppi” where you will find the simple food, but the main attraction are the amusement rides built by the owner, which are located in the green park.

ossario dei caduti photo around and about treviso

ossario dei caduti photo by aroundandabouttreviso

inside ossario dei caduti photo around and about treviso

inside ossario dei caduti photo by aroundandabouttreviso

view from ossario dei caduti photo around and about treviso

view from ossario dei caduti photo by aroundandabouttreviso

francesco baracca memorial photo around and about treviso

francesco baracca memorial photo by aroundandabouttreviso

colonna del re photo by around and about treviso

colonna del re photo by aroundandabouttreviso

first world war memorial in giavera del montello photo by aourndandabouttreviso

first world war memorial in giavera del montello photo by aourndandabouttreviso

main piazza in s.croce del montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

main piazza in s.croce del montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

first wolrd war memorial in s.croce del montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

first world war memorial in s.croce del montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

first world war memorial in s.croce del montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

first world war memorial in s.croce del montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

first world war memorial in s.angeli del montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

first world war memorial in s.angeli del montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

view from the montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

view from the montello photo by aroundandabouttreviso

NSchermata 2013-10-22 a 17.42.07