treviso uniqueness
Have you ever found out by chance peculiarities, which are found only in Treviso? or maybe established in our city and becoming popular worldwide so much so to ignore their roots? For fun and a lot of curiosity I kept on asking questions to friends and family about Treviso’s uniqueness and I gathered 7 of them.
The TIRAMISU’ can be found anywhere in the world. It might be made with or without biscuits, with strawberries or various liquors, but I think the original recipe is always the best one. Probably invented in the 70’s in a restaurant in Treviso’s downtown it is now one of the most popular desserts. Apparently the Veneto Region in 2013 applied to get the recognition of the Tiramisù by the EU in order to value and pay tribute to a specialty of our region. Anyway if you’d like to taste this sweet temptation in town, try the original Tiramisù at Antica Pasticceria Nascimben.
The first known artistic representation of the use of eyeglasses was Tommaso da Modena’s painting in 1352. Where? In Treviso of course. Head to the magnificent Romanesque-Gothic church of SAN NICOLO’ in XIII century. Step into the seminar cloister and enter the magnificent “Sala del Capitolo”. Allow some time to gaze around and the beautiful frescoes as well as the architecture.
Between the end of winter and the first warm rays of spring, nearby Ponte Dante has taken place for 50 years PROCESSO AEA VECIA – trial to the old woman. Riviera Garibaldi turns into attorneys and jury celebrate the process to the “old woman”, whose destiny is to be burnt in the middle of the river Sile. A unique folklore event much appreciated by locals as well as tourists.
Known as the winter flower it is the most loved vegetable by the locals: RADICCHIO DI TREVISO – Treviso red chicory. Highly prized, this flavoursome variety is grown in the Treviso area in winter. There are two varieties, if it matures during the warmest summer month, the leaves turn bitter while in the cold season it retains its sweet flavour. Its cultivation and the unique workmanship is the expression of our identity and is strongly linked to the local area territory’s characteristic. From October till March there are a number of small trade shows across the province, where you can taste and buy the RADICCHIO ROSSO di Treviso.
Browsing around the city you’ll come across a curious fountain, FONTANA DEE TETE – breast’s fountain. In 16th century the mayor of the Republic of Venice, Alvise Da Ponte to ingratiate himself with the citizen of Treviso, let the white and red wine flow through the breast of the statue in special occasion. A practice that will continue until the fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797. To admire the original statue protected by a glass case, just walk up to the arcade near Palazzo dei Trecento.
Between July and August SUONI DI MARCA offers 18 days of free music on the Treviso city-walls Everything started 26 years ago, a festival founded by a group of music-lover friends which turns the warm summer evenings in town into a entertaining event for all. A wide variety of amazing performers as well as a local craft market, restaurants and osterie are the highlights of the festival.
In September, a blast of color and fantasy lit up the shop windows in town turning into an indelible proof of the most colorful festival of the city – TREVISO COMIC BOOK FESTIVAL. Itinerant events that take place in several venues across the city with trade show and workshops.